Did you know?
BC TEAL was established in 1967, making it one of the oldest EAL professional associations in the world and the oldest in Canada. We celebrated our 50th year in 2017!
BC TEAL and its members contribute to professionalism in our field by providing a forum and meeting place to share knowledge and experience, challenge theories and assumptions, and engage with others who share similar goals.
TEAL News, published three times a year, contains information on professional development events, conference and workshop reports, book reviews, opinion articles and teaching ideas
Our mission statement: BC TEAL supports English language education by raising awareness, providing professional development, and sharing expertise.
What is the value of membership professionally?
Obtaining a membership...
- supports the work of BC TEAL in advancing the profession.
- reflects initiative, leadership, and commitment.
- offers the opportunity to
- access the BC TEAL Communities of Practice.
- vote at the BC TEAL Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- build your professional profile by serving on committees and on the Board of Directors.
- suggest new programs and initiatives.
What is the value of membership personally?
Your BC TEAL membership benefits you personally with the following:
- Discounted rates for the BC TEAL Annual Conference
- Discounted rates for BC TEAL Regional Conferences & Professional Development Sessions
- Discounted rates for BC TEAL Regional Representative events
- Access to apply for TEAL Charitable Foundation (TCF) Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for teachers and students (the TCF awards up to $15,000 each year)
- Access to apply for Bursaries for conference attendance (separate from the TEAL Charitable Foundation)
- Opportunities to network with other EAL professionals from around BC
- Access to EAL job postings
- Opportunities to read and contribute to a professional newsletter, BC TEAL Blog, and a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, the BC TEAL Journal
- Access to IATEFL Associate Member benefits and a TESOL International Affiliate benefits (BC TEAL is an Associate Member of IATEFL and an Affiliate member of TESOL International)
- Qualified for the GSC Health Assist CORE Association plan.

Ange Quapp
- University Canada west
I have been a member of BC TEAL since 2016, and I truly value the networking and professional development opportunities available. There is something for everyone--you can be involved "a lot" or "a little". Find a level that works for you and learn and grow as a member of the community!

Diana Ospina
Being a member of BCTEAL let me access useful professional development and the opportunity to network with other EAL professionals.

Hilda Freimuth
- Thompson Rivers University
Being a BC TEAL member is beneficial in so many ways. The various different PD opportunities, the informative blogs, and the high quality research BC TEAL offers are outstanding.

Azzam Premji
- Impact North Shore
Joining BC TEAL means that I can keep abreast of what is happening in ESL and LINC. In addition, I have the opportunity to share my teaching expertise in a blog. I love giving back to the ESL community!
What Are The Membership Rates?
BC TEAL offers a variety of membership options:
Regular Members
Regular - 1 year | $62.43 |
Regular - 2 years | $118.34 |
Regular - 3 years | $158.72 |
Discounted Members
F/T Student – 1 Year | $37.58 |
Retired – 1 Year | $37.58 |
Low Income (less than $25,000/year) – 1 Year | $37.58 |
BC TESOL K-12 Member – 1 Year | $37.58 |
ABEABC Member – 1 Year | $37.58 |
The above rates include 5% GST and payment processing fees.
Not sure which membership option to choose?
- Regular Member – This option is for anyone, regardless of the field of employment.
- Regular Member (multi-year options) – Choose to renew for longer than one year and save!
- BC TESOL (BCTF K-12) – Specifically for BC Teacher’s Federation individuals who are also members of the BC TESOL Provincial Specialists Association.
- Retired
- Full-time Student
- Low Income – This option is for anyone whose income is $25,000 or less per annum.
- ABEABC - This refers to members of the Adult Basic Education Association of British Columbia.
So what are you waiting for?
With all these benefits, why not join BC's largest EAL community? Join us today!