Hey Membership peeps! Some considerations for this page:

  • Headings. Should we use labels or questions? For example, instead of "Become a Member", use "Why shoud I become a member?". We can be consistent and change them all to the same. "What activities do you do? What are the benefits? How much does it cost?" etc
  • Videos. We have three. Long/short version of the benefits, and the main page video from the old site. Which ones to use and where?
  • Video Gallery. We're working on getting a video gallery up and running (under testpages menu). Do you want a gallery here? These would be the main page videos from the old site BCTEAL.org
  • Benefits of membership - there are 2 versions of this. Can we update this? One was from the ABOUT section.
  • Supporting Institutions: This would better fit under the ABOUT section, however, it was noted that there is a distinction between supporting (sponsor) institutions, and those with an institutional membership. Is there a need to list institutional memberships here?
  • Call to action. Yay, we have successfully coded a simple call to action button. What text should we put in it? Open to ideas.
  • Testimonials. We have a testimonials plug in now! Do we have any that we can put up? If not, can we collect some?
  • Anything missing? Any copy/text that needs to be changed? Any formatting you'd like to see? Please let me know!




Did you know? 

BC TEAL was established in 1967, making it one of the oldest EAL professional associations in the world and the oldest in Canada. We celebrated our 50th year in 2017!

BC TEAL and its members contribute to professionalism in our field by providing a forum and meeting place to share knowledge and experience, challenge theories and assumptions, and engage with others who share similar goals. 

TEAL News, published three times a year, contains information on professional development events, conference and workshop reports, book reviews, opinion articles and teaching ideas

Our mission statement: BC TEAL supports English language education by raising awareness, providing professional development, and sharing expertise.   

There are clearly plenty of reasons to join BC TEAL and to support the EAL teaching profession in British Columbia, and we invite you to join our community of professionals, and we welcome suggestions for new programs, initiatives and ways that BC TEAL can serve the EAL teaching profession in the province.


What is the value of membership professionally?

Obtaining a membership  

  • supports the work of BC TEAL in advancing the profession.  
  • reflects initiative, leadership, and commitment.  
  • offers the opportunity to 
  • access the BC TEAL Special Interest Groups.
  • access BC TEAL Teacher Inquiry Groups.
  • vote at the BC TEAL Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • suggest new programs and initiatives.

What is the value of membership personally?

Your BC TEAL membership benefits you personally with the following:

  • Discounted rates for the BC TEAL Annual Conference
  • Discounted rates for BC TEAL Regional Conferences & Professional Development Sessions
  • Discounted rates for BC TEAL Regional Representative events
  • Access to apply for TEAL Charitable Foundation (TCF) Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for teachers and students (the TCF awards up to $15,000 each year)
  • Access to apply for Bursaries for conference attendance (separate from the TEAL Charitable Foundation)
  • Opportunities to network with other EAL professionals from around BC
  • Access to EAL job postings sent by email to members
  • Opportunities to read and contribute to a professional newsletter, TEAL News, and a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, the BC TEAL Journal
  • Access to IATEFL Associate Member benefits and a TESOL International Affiliate benefits (BC TEAL is an Associate Member of IATEFL and an Affiliate member of TESOL International) – For example, BC TEAL members who have not been members of TESOL in the past 3 years receive a 25% discount on TESOL membership.
  • Access to IRIS Advantage Program (See details here)

This is the testimonial slider


Regular Members

Regular - 1 year$50.00
Regular - 2 years$95.00
Regular - 3 years$127.50

Discounted Members

F/T Student – 1 Year$30.00
Retired – 1 Year$30.00
Unemployed (Free to Sept 1, 2021) – 1 Year$30.00
Low Income (less than $25,000/year) – 1 Year$30.00
BC TESOL K-12 Member – 1 Year$30.00
ABEABC Member – 1 Year$30.00

So what are you waiting for?

Come join the hundreds of EAL professionals like yourself and be part of the community! (or some text here)

Call to action (non full width)


There are many activities, initiatives, resources, and member benefits that BC TEAL offers. This includes:

Conferences, Professional Development and Events

  • Annual Conference held each spring
  • Regional Conferences (Metro Vancouver, Interior, and Vancouver Island)
  • Regular Series of Professional Development Workshops, Webinars, and Sessions
  • Volunteer appreciation and sponsor teacher appreciation events


  • Useful links

Initiatives / Awareness Raising

  • Refugee Rights Day: Take Act!on
  • Provincial EAL Week Celebrations and Activities
  • Policy and Action Advisory Committee – advancing the profession through raising awareness
  • Position Statements passed by the membership at the AGM reflecting BC TEAL‘s positions on issues of importance to the profession


  • BC TEAL Newsletter
  • BC TEAL Journal – a peer-reviewed open access journal
  • Conference Proceedings and Handouts

Regional Representatives Program

  • BC TEAL Regional Representatives initiative with professional development meetings in 6 regions in the province: Fraser Valley, Kootenays, Northern BC, Okanagan, Thompson-Nicola and Vancouver Island

Social Media

  • BC TEAL Social Media presence on Facebook and Twitter
  • BC TEAL‘s Blog


  • Partnered with WAESOL and ORTESOL (Washington State and Oregon State EAL professional associations) to host the Tri-TESOL Conference, most recently in 2011 and 2015
  • Emerging Partnerships – for example, the upcoming ATESL and BC TEAL summit focused on Educational Technology in Language Education

Funding and the TEAL Charitable Foundation

  • Climb for the Cause – fundraising event for the TEAL Charitable Foundation to raise funds for a refugee award
  • Tears to Smiles – fundraiser for the TEAL Charitable Foundation to raise funds for a refugee award
  • Access to apply for TEAL Charitable Foundation (TCF) Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for teachers and students (the TCF awards up to $15,000 each year)


We aim to foster inclusive, collegial and respectful interactions and have created the following Respectful Interactions Guidelines (RIGS)


Through our Honourary Lifetime Contributor Award, BC TEAL seeks to recognize professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of English as an Additional Language.

Lifetime Contributors are individuals who have been members in good standing with BC TEAL for over 10 years and who have set a positive example for other members as well as the students that have been served by their contributions. Click here to see the list of Lifetime Contributors.


Who are BC TEAL‘s Supporting Institutions?

BC TEAL‘s Supporting Institutions are educational institutions, associations and schools who are concerned with teaching English as an additional language. Supporting Institutions help BC TEAL support professionalism in EAL instruction, and enhance the profile of EAL in BC.

What are the benefits of becoming a BC TEAL Supporting Institution?

  • A certificate of support
  • One free individual BC TEAL membership for an employee of the institution
  • A 10% discount on BC TEAL Conference Registration Rates for all employees of the institution
  • Priority status for hosting BC TEAL events
  • One vote at the BC TEAL Annual General Meeting
  • A direct link to the institution‘s website via the BC TEAL website
  • Four free postings on the BC TEAL website (ie. employment, program, general announcements)
  • One complimentary 3 x 2 business card size advertisement in the newsletter per year (on request)
  • Use of the BC TEAL logo

How can my institution become a Supporting Institution?

If your school or organization is interested in becoming Supporting Institution for BC TEAL you can register online here. Please select Institution – One Year option. 

The fee for becoming a Supporting Institution is $350/year (including GST).

Script for embedded video:

<center><iframe width="800" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6-rCCOyA5rQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

Be a part of the community

Describe the action here.

This is the full width call to action to join