Douglas College is Looking for Sponsor Teachers for TESL Students

The TESL Program of Douglas College is looking for dedicated EAL instructors to serve as mentors for our TESL trainees during their practicums. Practicums consist of 3 hours of classroom observation and 10 hours of teaching any time between mid-May and early August this year. 

These are the rewards you can expect from sponsoring one of our practicum students: 

  1. A chance to help an EAL teacher in training to achieve his/her goals 
  2. A chance to support our profession 
  3. A chance to reflect on your own teaching practices 
  4. Something to add to the professional development part of your resume 
  5. For program coordinators, a chance to potentially recruit the trainee upon completion of the TESL program 
  6. A thank-you letter and a certificate from Douglas College 

Please note that as a public community college offering the TESL program at credit course rates, Douglas College cannot provide compensation for sponsor teachers at this point.  

TESL Canada sponsor teacher minimum requirements: 

  1. A Bachelor's degree  
  2. TESL Canada Standard Level One Certificate 
  3. 2,000 hours (~ 2 years full time) of teaching EAL/EFL to adults 

Teaching environment: 

If you are interested, please contact We look forward to hearing from you.