Join BC TEAL Communities of Practice!

BC TEAL's Communities of Practice (CoP) are great opportunities to get to know your peers from around the province and work together to grow the practice of teaching EAL.

There are currently 3 Communities of practice that you can join. 

For LINC instructors there are 3 areas of specialty: ​​We welcome all EAL professionals to participate in Communities of Practice for 3 meetings. If you wish to continue after 3 meetings, we ask that you demonstrate your commitment by becoming a member of BC TEAL.

For EAP instructors, BC TEAL offers:

Passionate about AI or Ed Tech? BCTEAL invites educators to join a new Communities of Practice! Connect, collaborate, and share what you’ve been doing in your classroom and discuss the challenges you’ve faced. Let’s inspire change together—sign up to participate today!